
Monday 8 June 2020

Switch Writing

Once there was a girl and she liked playing with dolls, after
a while she got bored and started playing outside. When she
went outside she was scared and she was shouting for help
when she was playing because she saw people trying to
kidnap her. She kept shouting but no 1 heard so she ran
her fastest but the people were faster. When they caught
her she was still shouting then the police heard her so they
got in their cars and rushed. The police were not going to
make it then this dog came and tackled  the kidnapper's 
hips and all the kidnappers were arrested. The girl learned
a lesson that she will never go outside by herself. Then the
next day she asked her mum if she can have the dog
because the dog saved her life from getting kidnaped.
Her mum said, “yes of course you can have 1” then the
girl was so happy. They both went to buy her dog and the
owner said, “What's the name?” and the girl said “Stephanie
is the name”.

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